Raze Wiki
Zombie Johnson

Sgt. Johnson, from the debut Raze title.

Raze 1 was released in 2010, and it's sequel, Raze 2, hit Armor Games two years later. AddisonR and Juice-Tin, the game's creators, have disclosed that a possible third installment is on it's way.

Raze 3 Building Blocks

Raze 3 has been seen as a "third times the charm" tyoe of insta


Raze 2 "Medic" class armor. Packs worn could carry extra ammo, or in this case, grenades.

Alien 1

Alien in the Raze games. Closely resembles an "Elite" from the Halo franchise.

Ion Cannon Game Stats

The "Ion Cannon" from Raze 2. This is example of the aforementioned "more weapons" in each class. The Ion Cannon falls under the "snipers" class.

llment in many people's minds thus far. Raze 1 was a side-scrolling layout game that had very little structure as to a storyline. The missions had solid gameplay, but offered little information as to a plot. All that was given was a brief one- or two-sentence intro to each individual mission.

Raze 2 came with a bit more of a storyline, with actual freeze-frame slideshows in between missions with multiple captions scrolling at the bottom. This type of story-building is often seen in side-scrolling RPG's (Role-Playing Games). Raze 2 made the Raze series go from simply a shooter to a Shooter/RPG.

Raze 2 also had more weapons than in the first game. Each separate class of weapon, i.e. "Snipers," had several types of sniper-class weapons, both human and alien in origin.

Raze has taken some concepts from Bungie and now 343's Halo series for the Xbox consoles, such as the character Sgt. Johnson, futuristic human vs. alien conflicts, and super-soldiers. It is concepts like these that have shaped the Raze series and made it a hit (The origianl Raze game has over 28 million plays on Armor Games thus far).

Disclosed Information on the Third Installment

Raze 3 has not yet been confirmed, but it is likely that a third installment is on its way. Juice-Tin disclosed that Raze 3 could very well contain multiplayer skirmishes, customizable weapons, a stronger storyline, and even in-game purchases for armors and "perk" weapons. Nothing is for sure, but time will tell what Raze 3 has in store, should it see fruition.
