Raze Wiki
Rocket Lancher Game Stats

The Rocket Launcher is an Explosive from Raze 2. It has the highest direct damage of any weapon and high explosion damage, but few rounds and it is possible to destroy your self and allies with the explosive damage.


This gun appears in raze 2. Its a high power gun, and can fire 3 rockets in high succession and with high velocity as it is in raze 2. It's description says Standard rocket launcher carries V-12 rockets that have a large blast radius and magnitude. .It really has a large blast radius as the description says and kills most enemies in 1 hit. It has similar characteristics as raze 1's rocket launcher but not appearance, The rocket launcher in raze 2 still has the old one's characteristics as it fires 3 rockets in high succession and with high velocity. The reload animation is also similar. In raze 1 its color is green but the raze 2 rocket launcher is white in color.
